Need drama? Just read your Twitter timeline or Facebook newsfeed

This is my reaction upon reading any fights on Twitter or Facebook:

Yup. That's how 'fun' it is. Sometimes, I find it hilarious because the people that usually fight online are those people who said they 'hate' drama in their life. What an irony. *rolls eyes* A piece of advice? Just keep your arguments among yourselves, not for the whole world to know. So some of the profile may be private, but think of the people who are your friends in Facebook or followers on Twitter, how will they feel? How would you feel if someone fights on your timeline/news feed? Sendiri mau ingat lah. There are other mediums for you to argue, if you have to argue. I.e texting, calling, Whatsapp. Even better, face to face lah!

I may be the least perfect person to give out that advice, yes I know. I can still hear someone saying that I am a hypocrite for pointing this sort of thing out, but at least I voice out my opinion. At least also, I don't have to live with the anger of feeling annoyed towards these kind of people. Anger does eat people in the inside. Trust me, I know. 


To think that one of the purpose of social networking website is to connect people, sometimes it shows the worst side of a person (which a person would never dare to show in real life) online. Sad, don't you think?


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