A Reminder To Myself

I think I need to remember this every single day. If possible, chant this everyday. And remember that God wouldn't give me something that I can't handle. He knows that I can. It's just that I don't trust myself as much as God trust me. Evidence? He (someone) actually replied my text after I was at the verge of giving up, thinking that he wouldn't. I just leave this to God because when it comes to him, I really am at lost on what to do. But God is good, because he replied. Which means to say, I am someone in his life (even if it means that I am just a friend, I accept that). Whether is he a keeper, I am not sure, because I believe (assume) that he belongs to someone. But if he is not, he is DEFINITELY a keeper. But nevertheless, I should remember this as well

When the time is up for me to stop trying, I will stop. But for the time being, I will try and try, until it is time to step down.

Good night.



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