I am a driver

I love driving. 
Ever since I've got my driver's license in 2008, I've hit lots of things,
and it doesn't scare me at all.
I love driving,
because it calms all the senses in me.
Some people said that whenever you're angry or sad, you should not drive
just in case your mind might wander off,
and accident might happen.
Well, that is not true for me.
I may have encountered two near-death experiences,
it doesn't scare me at all.
I still love driving.
I am one observant driver, 
says my best friend.
I notices things that even the passengers couldn't figure out. 
And whenever I'm driving,
my mind, my eyes are fixed on the road, even if I was
singing at that moment, or talking.
I don't know how I did it, but I just do.
I may cursed a lot while driving
(trust me, for those who couldn't take any curses, listening to me cursing would bleed their ears)
I express a lot of emotion when driving.
I can be angry, I can cry while driving.
I can smile from ear to ear and sing along to the most cheeziest song.
Even with all those emotions,
I can still be very observant.
That's how I can know that our paths actually do cross each other.
We always drive pass each other.
Sometimes you notice me, sometimes you don't.
But at times, it didn't bother me,
because I know, you wouldn't care anyway.
However darling,
if this was what happened last semester where you always saw me,
and acknowledge me about it but I never seemed to care,
now I know how it feels to be ignored and forgotten by someone whom I remembered the most every single day.
And I must tell you,


whatever experience I had while driving,
it will never (I hope, AMEN) shake the fact that 




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