Law of attraction

Law of attraction:

"the attractive, magnetic power of the Universe that draws similar energies together." - Remez Sasson

These days, I found myself bumping into you a lot. Well, your car mostly. Wait, no. There are times we bump into each other while driving into Unimas soil. Anyways, I haven't been thinking about you since a while now, because I know, if you want to be in my life, you would be. I worked hard to be in yours, but you dismiss me. So I just stop. 

Until this semester. 

I saw your car at the parking lot a few times now. Although I like saying your name because it's like a music to me, it doesn't mean I think about you all the time. But what happened today makes me remember of the law of attraction. It's like, I said your name and suddenly, *POOF*, you were driving behind me. SLOWLY, like a grandpa. Because you saw me. 

I'm sorry that I want you so much to be a part in my life, but you don't want anything to do with me anymore.  Nevertheless, the best friend is right. "Kata-kata itu adalah suatu doa. What if you say 'I want ****** to  be my boyfriend', it might come true you know?" but it was in a jokingly manner. Haha. 

I admit, that I do miss you. But this year, my happiness is above all issues, especially heart issues, and especially YOU. But always remember, if one day you finally miss me and wonder why I didn't come and look for you, ask yourself that question, and you will find the answer actually lies within yourself.

Adding a photo of Rachel Bilson and Hayden Christensen. Just because. Only the bestfriend will understand this. 


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