This is what I get for sacrificing my Saturday morning.

Last Thursday in our Financial Management class, Madam Josephine drop a bombshell at us that this Saturday we have to go for an investment quiz by PNB. And mind you, this is mandatory. If you couldn't make it, you have to write a letter explaining why you can't come. So high school. Anyways, we were told that we have to come before 8:30 a.m in order to know where will we be positioned at as apparently the third year students were also asked to go for this as well. But being a Malaysian and knowing the existence of Malaysian time, I left home at 8:25 and reached the faculty around 8:50. Ten minutes to 9 p.m. As I couldn't find my friends (Vic, Pris, Tina and May), so I settled down at the corridor at the ground floor. The next thing I know, Madam Norlina shouted from the first floor saying exactly this:

OLEH KERANA FAKULTI TIDAK BUKAK, KITA AKAN AMBIK KUIZ DI SINI (she meant the corridor of the faculty)!!!!!

And everyone was like.......ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME????? So we ended up settling down at the corridor where we stand but since it was too crowded, some of us were moved to the first floor, some to the second floor even! I was moved to the other end of the first floor (together with Azra, Achis and two other coursemates of mine). As I was going up the stairs I saw my friends and my coursemates settling down, all I can do was laughed because the sight was just so hilarious that it cracked me up. We all looked like some homeless people begging for money and food, except that we are students of Unimas who are going to sit for some quiz that I bet nobody studied for the night before *heeep! Don't deny. I know you don't. Haha*. Didn't the photos that I took just speak for itself? Thank God the quiz was only for one hour and the lecturers didn't make us stay for some other shit so I quickly drove home after submitting my answer sheet and also the question paper and then sleep for four hour straight! 

I just hope there won't be any mandatory quiz, surveys, whatsoever crap that take my Saturday away next week cause I wanna attend cousin Bell's first holy communion mass. Please God hear my wish and I promise I will say my morning and bed time prayer. Thank you!




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