nowplaying: See You Again 

Law of attraction.

I have no idea how many times this works. Really, it works, if you believe hard enough.

So anyway, last Tuesday I watched Furious 7 for the third time (Yes I know. It's overrated. But what the hell, I just like the ending.) Posted a photo of myself in front of the movie's poster on Instagram. That night, as I was looking at my own Instagram posts, I realized that I'm almost reaching my 500th post. Then I thought to myself, I want to make it a memorable 500th post. So I try not to post anything unnecessary. Until this morning, this happened.

After I send my selfie, suddenly everyone posted their selfie in the chatroom. And then, it got me thinking, "why don't I compile all the pictures and post it on Instagram. So I did. The next thing I realized, 

IT'S MY 500th POST! 

The kumangs mean a lot to me. So to realized that I posted something meaningful, just as what I wanted earlier, just makes me believe in Law of Attraction even more. 

So yeah. That's my update for now. Will update when I.... ermmm... update. Haha.


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