Page 21 of 366: Circle of life

Today, while I was replying tweets to my 'twin', Parveen a.k.a Pops, I came across a tweet from Sarawak's national newspaper, the Borneo Post about the girl who was missing after the great flash flood which occur 3 weeks ago. And being the curious me, I clicked on the article (for the article please click here) and read more about it. Apparently, she was found somewhere at Muara Tebas by workers of a coal power station situated there. A few minutes after retweeting that tweet, my friend Aling replied to me about that tweet.

I'm sure now that her parents and also her family will be glad in a sense that her body is found. No, I don't mean death is a good thing, deaths is never a good thing. It brings sadness to everyone who is involved. What I mean here is that, at least her family can do a proper burial for her. The very least, they can visit her grave in remembrance of her. Not many people can do that you know? Take for example the case of cosmetic millionaire Datuk Sosilawati Lawiya and the other three people who was with her (I forgot who they are, pardon me) two years ago. They were beaten to death before their body were burnt into ashes and was scattered at a river in Banting. All that the police recovered was their bone fragments. How cruel don't you think? Their family don't even have a proper grave to visit in remembrance of them. As Joseph Stalin had said,

"A single death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic"

In a way or another, every deaths that had happen is a tragedy, no matter how the person died. But despite that, life has to go on. I remember when I was watching Downton Abbey Season 1 last night, someone had said that,

It is true. Even in The Lion King's movie it is said that life and death is a circle of life. 

It has only been 21 days of 2012, and yet I've heard so many news related to deaths in the covers of newspaper. I'm not trying to say that the Mayan's (more like human's) speculation is right; that the world will end by 20th December 2012. Let's please, don't speculate that. It just so happen that there's a lot of tragedy that happened that shook the world and forces everyone to think, is this the end of the world? 

Let's get back to life then. 

In four more days, I will turn 22. This year, is the second year I celebrate as a single lady. Last year, I celebrated it with Parv and Nadia at Garden Steamboat Restaurant and Liquid Pullman's pool side bar. 

This year, we're planning on the same thing; going for a dinner. At first Hany and I suggested steamboat at D11 but since Pops is not a steamboat kind of person (lol), we decided to do dinner again. Though this time we couldn't decide on where to go yet. There are a few choices though. We were thinking of The Junk, Jambu and Bla Bla Bla. Well, I'll update on my birthday soon on where's it gonna be. :)

Anyways, I'm sure everyone might ask what my birthday wishes are? My wish is simple: to live my life to the fullest every day. Carpe diem, that's my motto. Before this, I am a kind of person who thinks waaaay too much about my past and think waaaay ahead on my future when I don't have to worry much about it. 

I trust my life in God's hand, although sometimes I don't know why some things happen. But that is what life is about, surprises. I always love surprises, the good ones I mean. You will never know where life brings you, you know? 

I'm not saying that life should be very spontaneous. No. Being too spontaneous can bring harm too; you're like a dandelion with no direction. Just float away without a purpose. We all have purpose in life. All we have to do is search for it, accept things as it is and smile. Live life without regrets, I'm positively sure you will live a great life. As John Lennon had said,

"Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans."

Before I end my post, firstly I would like to express my condolences to the family of Kho Ying Qi upon the death of a daughter and a sister. Nothing in this world can express the sadness and grief that your family had experience. Let us pray that she, and also to the late Herman Sihas that they are living happily in paradise. And also to their family that they can live day to day without their presence. They may be gone in this temporary world, but they are alive, in their hearts. 


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