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Of writers block and feeling lost

Of writers block and feeling lost

I know it has been a while since I’ve login to this blog and write a thing or two in this pages Cause honestly speaking, there are times it’s easier to express on Twitter. Or maybe I felt that my life is not as interesting as the next person.  Yes, a lot has happened since the last time

My thoughts are like stars, I cannot fathom into words

My thoughts are like stars, I cannot fathom into words

There's been a lot of moments in this year that makes me wanna go back to this blog and put my thoughts into words.  But every time when I finally had the time to sit down and put those thoughts into words, it's either I have decided that it won't matter the moment I click the button "publish",

Standing on my principles in life

Standing on my principles in life

I have a few life principles that not many understands why I choose to stand upon it.  Among it are:  1. I try not to judge someone's action. Reason being: you don't know what forces them To act that way. And you also wouldn't want someone to judge your actions too 2. I don't feel the need to
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